Aug 3, 2011

Some Like It Hot

Whew!  July was a busy month and August is following in its footsteps!  I am trying to get a few more shoots together.  What an incredible learning experience and fun way to build my portfolio.

In an earlier post I mentioned a possible collaboration with a local make-up artist.  We were able to pull together a fabulous shoot!  Jennifer, the make-up artist, was able to get a hair stylist and five models to work with us.  I played both photographer and stylist.  It was a long (5 hours), hot (100+ degrees) shoot, but was so worth it!  Here are my favorites:

Jun 3, 2011

Paid in Pickles

 Working on another collaboration - this time with a local make-up artist.  Looks like June and July are gonna get really busy!  Should have some great stuff to post late June/early July - look for it!

Got my first paying gig tonight!  Getting paid in home made pickles!  :-D

May 16, 2011

Gone to the Dark Side

What a great weekend it was!  The Hubby and I spent most of it on our own and had a great time.  Traditionally we are PC people, but we hit the Apple store on Friday and picked up an iMac all in one.  Kat, our sales associate, was helpful, knowledgeable, and fun to talk to.  I could not keep my eyes off her awesome eyeliner!  :-D  I believe I will love the Mac once I get accustomed to it but for now it feels like we have crossed over to the dark side.  And there wasn't even any cookies!  :-D

Got a few things in the works that I'll be blogging about soon:

1.  A photo shoot this Thursday with three of the cutest boys you've ever seen!

2.  A possible collaboration with a local stylist.

3.  A couple of family sessions in June.

4.  Hopefully, a few Senior session opportunities coming my way.  Still working on this one...

Stay tuned...

May 9, 2011


Thought I'd share a few pics.  I did a Senior shoot with my daughter at the Galatyn train station.  Here are my favorites:

May 6, 2011

My New Toy

hehe  :-D
After searching and calling all around town, I finally got online and ordered an iPad 2.  I can't wait - May 26th is the day it should come in!  woo hoo! :-D

May 5, 2011

Buckle Up!

I'm gonna do it!  I can do it!  I am gonna put myself out there as a photographer.  I am gonna start asking people if I can take their picture -  friends and strangers alike.  I'm gonna advertise in Craig's list for 2012 Seniors.  I need to learn how to work with people I don't know, I tell my husband.  You probably think I'm crazy.  No, he tells me, I am proud of you.  That's all I need to hear - I think I'm ready!

Buckle up - lets ride!